Manuel Dias (Individual) e Lisbeth Bergagard (bTolered/b Utby OL) levaram de vencida o escal?o H/D 45, enquanto Rauli Helkkula (Turun Metsänkävi) e Lena Schön-Barkestam (IK Hakarpspojkar) bateram a concorr?ncia em H/D 55. b.../b
As does Judge Alex, Judge Mathis, Judge Karen, and Judge Lynn bToler/b. All of these judges are fair and open-minded and not cheesy, with an arrogant Bailiff. That is why they are still on the air. Race has nothing to do with it. b.../b Yet, you go to other countries for bvacation/b and get fighting mad if no one speaks English. In conclusion, I?ll say this-Judge Lopez is an idiot, and her record speaks so, but she does NOT represent the whole Latino, Chicano, and Hispanic race. b.../b